Registration For Crew Club
Crew Club Registration for the 24-25 school year will open on May 20th at 8am. Registration will close and you will be waitlisted after June 7th. Please review the steps below to register your student(s) for after-school care.
- Review the DDES Crew Club Handbook
- Decide on your student’s monthly plan (Full/Part-time Monthly Plan or Attendance-based Plan)
- Register your student on Procare
- All families need to register for Crew Club on Procare even if you have an existing account!
- Drop-in families are required to register and should choose the Drop-in option.
- You must know your child’s 6-digit student ID to register, please email frontoffice@ddeschool.
org if you need help finding it. - All families will be charged a $60 registration fee
- You will receive an enrollment confirmation before August 1st.
- DDES will send a “Welcome to Crew Club” email in early August.
- Set up your auto-billing in Procare
- If you need financial assistance, you must be approved for CCAP by August 19th.
- If you do not qualify for CCAP, but need help paying for after-school care, please review the handbook for instructions. Applications must be submitted by August 1st, 2024.