Where is the school located? 1860 Lincoln St. between 18th and 19th avenue. This location is in the Central Business District of Denver making it close to our city’s rich cultural facilities while providing easy access for families. Light rail is at 18th and California and 20th and Welton.
Does DDES provide transportation? DDES does not provide yellow school bus transportation. We encourage families to walk, ride bikes, and utilize public transportation.
Will the school share the building with other agencies? Yes, 1860 Lincoln is a mixed-use building. DPS administration and Emily Griffith High School and Technical College are also located in the building. DDES has separate and secure entrances for students, staff, and parents.
Where is the playground? The playground is located on Lincoln street in front of the building completely screened in with a full roof. There is one fixed play structure and Snug Play building equipment. It connects through a garage door opening to a 3500 square feet indoor play space with a horizontal and vertical climbing wall.. We are also seeking satellite opportunities for additional play space. And of course, as an EL school, we plan to be out of our indoor classroom on a regular basis.
What are the school hours? Our school day begins at 8:00 a.m. and ends at 3:00 p.m., Monday through Thursday. On Fridays, we dismiss at 1:00 p.m., to provide staff time for intensive collaboration, planning and professional development.
Do you charge tuition? DDES is a Denver Public School and offers full-day Kindergarten through tuition; rates are adjusted based on income using a sliding scale.
As an Expeditionary Learning School, do you charge a fieldwork fee? We ask families to contribute approx. $500 annually to support fieldwork entrance fees, equipment, transportation, art integration activities and supplies, and our adventure program. We offer flexible payment options as well as financial assistance.
Do you have Special Education? Yes, DDES is an inclusive school community that maintains high expectations for all students. DDES will comply with all state and federal laws governing special education, including the development of IEPs. DDES staff will work together to ensure that students’ learning and achievement is not unduly limited by either disability or language status.
Do you have Gifted and Talented services? We do not have a gifted and talented program.
Do you have before and after school care? DDES partners with the YMCA. The YMCA runs a program within our school and at their location at the downtown YMCA from 6:30am –6:00pm daily and on most school holidays and breaks.
Do you have specials during the day? DDES has studio art, movement, and engineering tech design. We also have an Adventure program. Both of the directors of these programs also coordinate with crew leaders to integrate adventure and art into the crew classroom as well.
Will you offer enrichment activities? DDES family council currently organizes 8-week sessions of enrichment opportunities after school. You can contact them at ddesenrichment@gmail.com
Will you add more grade levels? Yes, DDES will be K-4 for the 2015-2016 school year and grow a grade level each year up to 5th grade.
What food service are you using? We use Revolution Foods.
Is there a parent volunteer hour requirement? DDES does not have a volunteer requirement. However, we rely heavily on parent volunteers and hope that we will all foster service as a crucial component of our school culture.
How do I contact the school? You can email us frontoffice@ddeschool.org or call (720) 424-2350.[pb_builder]